I had an interesting discussion with a friend, who is a Haskell Developer. Onur: Hey. I have just written a function but I feel like it is more complicated than it should be. I’m trying to dedup a collection of maps based on two keys. Here is my version that I am not happy with: (defn- dedup-by-dorry-and-brogy [records] (vec (reduce (fn [dedupped-records {:keys [dorry brogy] :as record}] (if (some #(and (= dorry (:dorry %)) (= brogy (:brogy %))) dedupped-records) dedupped-records (conj dedupped-records record))) '() ;; reverse to keep the last occurrence (reverse records)))) Berk: Hmm… I’ll send you how I’d write it in Haskell. ...
I have seen a LinkedIn post last night and it prompted a lot of thoughts I wanted to share. It’s not specific to this exact post, I have been hearing & reading a lot of different versions of the same idea. For those who doesn’t want to click to an external link, here is the content of the post: Django Developer says Python is king. Node.js Developer says Javascript is the future. Android Developer swears by Kotlin. Java Developer stands by Java. iOS Developer loves Swift. But, ‘Software Engineers’ know and understand: Languages come and go, and trends change, but the core concepts of coding will always stay the same. Master the fundamentals, and you’ll adapt to any language. ...
A Brief GitHub Copilot Review
I have just tried GitHub Copilot with Clojure and here is what I think about it. Editor Integration I decided to give Copilot a try because a few friends of mine spoke really high about it. When I wanted to integrate it into my Emacs though, I saw that there’s no official release for it. Luckily, some great people built this unofficial plugin, and I was ready to use Copilot in my Emacs within minutes. There was just this one insistent warning about Copilot not being able to infer indentation offset for Clojure mode that kept popping up, which I still do not know how to fix, but as it didn’t really effect my usage and I was just trying Copilot out, for the trial period I added a line to my config to avoid seeing that warning as a temporary solution. ...
To Be Able To Know
While working at EnglishCentral, my friend Burak and I, were sent to the company’s office in America for a month right after we were graduated. Due to jetlag, I was falling asleep around 7-8 PM and waking up around 2-3 AM. I would wake up at three in the morning and read Patrick Rothfuss’s The Kingkiller Chronicle series until work hours. I read for hours, returned directly to my hotel after work, and continued reading. While my other friends who came to Boston were traveling around New York and Salem, my only desire was to return to my room. I was even declared the most frugal visitor in the office (they were probably kind enough not to announce that I was also the most antisocial). ...
From Sumerians to Clojurians: A Brief History of Writing
You probably know that the concept of “writing” was invented by some Mesopotamian people called Sumerian (Some Mesoamerican folks also independently discovered it, though much later than Sumerians did). Have you ever thought, though, how they invented it? Because when you think about it, it’s actually quite a hard task. They had to learn how to decompose a continuous sound into a speech unit, or how to even recognize that sound in all the places it’s used in the language, find symbols to represent those and whatnot. Somehow, they managed to do it. Let’s dive into the details. ...